Octavia 360 updates

April 30, 2011 § Leave a comment

So our Octavia 360 site is getting some love and recognition. Nice after all our hard work. We got a bronze the local art directors club here in Prague, and also a “site of the day” from Design Licks. Here is the entry video for the cyber awards in Germany. We’ll see how we do.

and the design licks site of the day


April 12, 2011 § Leave a comment

The success of Chladek in rasing awareness for Kinder refrigerated snacks led to other opportunities to expand the semi-freddi world. We developed a follow up promotion by created a series of Chladek inspired magnets.  To launch them, we created an on-line “Infinity Fridge” where the on-line community could take play with magnets on virtual refrigerator door. The more magnets that are created and uploaded, the bigger the door gets, ever expanding to accomodate the building of the worlds largest refrigerator magnet collection.

Here are some screen grabs, just in case the site is pulled down this year…

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